Nature has the final word

In Herdade de Montalvo there are several kinds of nature. There is a forest of pines, a cork oak area, a lagoon, rice fields and even part of the Sado River and its banks. Throughout this space there is silence, there are species and species of animals to watch during the day, and there are stars to admire at night. Herdade de Montalvo is undoubtedly a place to discover slowly by those who like to have nature for company.

Here your neighbors fly

In addition to being on the flamingo migration route, this Herdade is a nesting space for more than 100 species of birds, among which we highlight the white stork, mallard, herons, long-legged and the sapier eagle. Looking down, we find the fox, the otter, the badger, the gineta, the boar, the hare and the rabbit. A diverse fauna that you can come across on your long morning strolls.


A forest that rises to greet you

A part of Herdade de Montalvo consists of forest. Cork trees, pines trees invite you to take a walk along its many kilometers of paths, gradually discovering the wide variety of vegetation that this region has to offer.  Whether you go left, right, or straight ahead, you will always have a wonderful experience waiting for you.

A lake where nature contemplates itself

In this estate, blue also has generous dimensions. Inside Herdade de Montalvo is located the largest freshwater lagoon in the Comporta region. In its waters, you can safely participate in activities that are organized with your leisure in mind, such as: rowing, windsurfing, paddle boarding, or sport fishing. Or you can just sit on the banks of this beautiful lagoon and watch the dazzling sunrise.

Go back 10,000 years when you visit the Paleolithic Dune!

At Herdade de Montalvo, in addition to living many stories, you can also find a lot of History. You only need to visit “our” very rare Paleolithic Dune, full of unique plant species and with great views of the Sado Estuary, which whiteness gave Montalvo its name – “`monte alvo” means white hill.

To whet your appetite, stroll through the rice paddies

Herdade de Montalvo is not only fertile in tranquility, it is also fertile in rice.  Integrated in the area of ​​the Sado estuary, the third rice producing region in Portugal, this Herdade gives life to this culture every year. Visit the rice paddies, along the route that borders the irrigation channel and come across a fascinating landscape, home to many species of birds and a breeding ground for many seafood.

Smile to the river

The Sado River bathes our land. And, as proof of the good relations between them, the Herdade has an old port in its waters.- Porto do Barco. Located in the Natural Reserve of the Sado estuary, we are privileged to be in the first row to observe all the huge diversity of fauna – from herons to flamingos, passing, of course, the storks -, in its purest state.  For all this, it is always good to come and visit.